Captain Solutions - Fear & Greed Index for Financial Twitter, the $FVIX
What emotions are driving social sentiment on Financial Twitter (FinTwit) right now?
This is not financial advice
Fear & Greed Index
Captain calculates sentiment across all the analysts we track using our proprietary A.I. algorithms.As of 04/26/2024 10:54 p.m.
Past 24 hours
🤑 Very Greedy
Past 7 days
😏 Confident
Score may swing wildly outside of US market hours or during periods of low conversation volume
Fear & Greed Over Time - Past 200 days
Captain analyzes sentiment across all the analysts we track using our proprietary A.I. algorithms. Reports on the past 200 days, aggreggated by day.
What is Captain?
We analyze the best traders on Twitter, so you don’t have to.

Consider Captain as your personal team of analysts. In a matter of seconds, we provide market information that would require hours of scrolling through Twitter. In just a few clicks, you can identify which stocks are trending in conversation and why top traders are talking about them.

The result? Real-time FinTwit insights at your fingertips that are built to support your trade decisions and investment research.