@livetradepro | Scott Smith
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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @livetradepro over the last 72 hours.
$TSLA 160.00 or 120.00? 😂
$AAPL $AMZN Who's still waiting for these to go green, before considering to buy stocks today? It's a plan, just not a good one.
Be careful about stocks that continue to show weakness with so much strength in the market. Huge red flag. $CART Example only https://t.co/P1ljmAKLrL
$SPY $QQQ $DIA $IWM The better the evidence, including indicators on your positions (or potentially new positions), then the more assurance and confidence you'll have on your trades. And why I sent this to subscribers before the market open today. "Inverse ETF's look toppy" https://t.co/9jOU7N8rLk
$SHOP Nearing the HOD Won't be surprised to see it above that soon https://t.co/iYohT1lFak
$V Breaking out https://t.co/eqSRegZFAX
$NVDA Chart update Nice move here https://t.co/6omzf9X8E5
$ELF Here's just one example of how we guided traders in my Discord yesterday. More than alerts. " ELF Could go higher with a close just over the half way point of the previous red candlestick." See more by taking advantage of a Free 7 Day Trial https://t.co/zZWBppQI4B
$SPY $QQQ $DIA $IWM Some sceptics continue to be sceptics. I'm riding this wave Here's just one position that I've been posting here step by step. I added one last time this morning. $MARA See what we get. https://t.co/PkJwyUd88n
$NVDA How you perceive risk can greatly affect how profitable you'll be. While some considered it to be chasing yesterday, others saw this as a (lower risk) opportunity to buy the stock. https://t.co/kJLNXN65uX
$NUE Slammed https://t.co/cgY93hIZX4
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