@hiddensmallcaps | Hidden Small Caps
Mike | Investor: +89.6% Annual Returns from 2009 to 2021 (2,160X) | Founder: @deskriser

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$SHOP Shipping ✅ Merchants will eventually get all of their tech needs from SHOP. My two websites are small potatoes yet we spend over $500/mo on accounting software, tax software, email marketing, and shipstation. https://t.co/15ULtYG3tZ https://t.co/2NujaY7D5b
$PACB prob same fate as $NVTA. None of these companies were willing to slash overhead dramatically just in case demand slowed, which it did. I had a conversation with the $PSNL IR team two years ago and they seemed to have their heads in the sand about their cash burn. https://t.co/4NBP1KcdWS https://t.co/a7FAXN56OX
$W Wayfair Announces Grand Opening Date for its First Large Format Store https://t.co/sQ2W7OeUIS https://t.co/MEpJlYemQK
Turnaround day? $SPY $SPX
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