@The_RockTrading | Rock Trading
DD and Technical Analysis. Jesus Is Lord of All. Tweets are opinions only. Business inquiries DM. #TrT

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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @The_RockTrading over the last 72 hours.
$SPY lately gap down and doesn't go back up to fill gap, so if we gap up today we can keep going up right? LOL
smoke them bears $NVDA $AMD $SPY $QQQ
$GOOG destroyed the market? We mentioned last week if $AMD closes and stays under 200DMA, this could be an indicator of a drawdown on tech sector or going in to a bear market. It's too early for that but $QQQ down over 3% on the day, largest single day loss since December 2022,… https://t.co/Ia5N8Ru0BI https://t.co/qXkKD3fvIE
$QQQ Tech sector is near correction territory. Down 9% off highs.
$SPY https://t.co/a2OyIv5ti6
I'd be very surprised if there's another 1% or more RED day on the market today. I'm comparing this move last two weeks comparable to the April 2024 highs on $QQQ $SPY. About 3 weeks before earnings, $QQQ loss roughly 7%. As of now $QQQ have lost 8% from July highs. STO's near at… https://t.co/gt2wqPQ7es https://t.co/UQXVljm6xk
Imagine $SPY goes green on the week
Feds enter quiet period after today. FOMC Decision Next Wednesday. $META $ARM reports that day too.
$MSFT $AMD $AMZN $AAPL $META $MSFT Daily STO at the floor headed in to next week earnings. Wild.
$NVDA strong.
See.. $IWM does not like 225 area. creates carnage.
$TSLA 230/231
$SPY 544 loses, looking 542! June low.s
$SPY https://t.co/OB11Ftnyvh
$TSLA filled the 213
$QQQ 468.14 fills it.
$QQQ if cross 468 we go ham.
$SPY Island bottom look like june/april. STO at levels same as April. https://t.co/rSBcQ3tyGd
They like $TSLA 226
$AMZN back above 100d.
Big rejection off the 5dma today. Hit pretty close and said not today! $SPY
nevermind! Breakout! $QQQ
$SPY APRIL Bottom look? https://t.co/hz2kae7qbE
$SPY Upside target of 544/545 today. 546 ALREADY. https://t.co/lNWWh9Z3fL
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