@The_RockTrading | Rock Trading
DD and Technical Analysis. Jesus Is Lord of All. Tweets are opinions only. Business inquiries DM. #TrT

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4am prayer. 5am gym. Premarket done. Took garbages out. All that to get ready to watch $SPY move sideways today.
Like if you’re a $TSLA 🐻
$SPY looking bullish tho. Daily MACD curling, and STO getting off the ground. https://t.co/w3YCLrU6eX https://t.co/m75SLh7djh
50% BACK $SPY https://t.co/CWVzzv9XO3
Break 499!! Let’s go $TSLA!
$SPY 502...
3 gaps above $tsla
$SPY Sweepers https://t.co/YywDn6AXPi
$VIX dying off. Good
I’m in $META for earnings.
Tech trying to recover $AMD $NVDA $AMZN $GOOG
$SPY Break above 510 with some solid earnings + PCE and this Inverse CH gets invalidated. https://t.co/iV7nZ0DTGT
$TSLA weekly https://t.co/d84CgqbgKV
How about $META 537
Out of the correction last two weeks $GOOG remained relatively strongest
$SPX up 100 points since last Friday sell off.
$NVDA needs to cross 827.
Gap fill $tSla
$SPY need that close above TL https://t.co/ZcULFcv8iy
$QQQ Break above 430 will be really interesting. https://t.co/zMznVgNecW https://t.co/UwIrf20huY https://t.co/SsOmlWMpbT
Now. Let’s see if today is LOW. $SPY relief week
Major gaps like this will get filled eventually. $SPX
too much white space. $SPY https://t.co/VPjxLbgRqu https://t.co/UwWl6mWOtT
$SPY A close above this trendline would be bullish continuation. https://t.co/7SMSJ1rpkG
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