@SunriseTrader | Sunrise Trader
Trader trading the trend. Trade in a state of grace. Family friends laughter health & time to play important to me. Living life in alignment with 'what is'.

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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @SunriseTrader over the last 72 hours.
$SPY oversold bounce on the 65min chart or will it lead to more? Earnings season in full gear next few weeks. https://t.co/lIxRToacKZ
$SPY $QQQ $VTI $IWM etc 10ema daily. https://t.co/E5g2rgAX9V
$SHOP daily based at 200ma back test and gap up today back over 10ema https://t.co/Qu7PwwpM3q
$SCHW updated chart inched up the let it ride stop today with the high. https://t.co/qz2dPdagKC
$PANW based along the 200ma and a gap area. Today small gap up out of the base and over 10/21ma's https://t.co/MDQo7hTnui
$SNOW dumpster dive watching the 10ema and close https://t.co/xU8qpxAXvD
RT @PaulJSingh: $NFLX earnings gap down finding support at KEY level. https://t.co/6RAdQW4BH6
$BAC a let it ride I still own. Watching for any topping action. Have inched up the stop with today's high. Been posting updates since day took the trade. Cover chart follow left to right top to bottom for education https://t.co/zOr6PIKHfi
Bracket order stop on 1/3 of the let it rides on $WMT hit made great % on these shares. I still own more let it rides.
$NFLX hollow off 100ma and former gap. It gapped up today. Still has lots of overhead resistance with the ER gap down https://t.co/UDO1dIxLMg
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