@SunriseTrader | Sunrise Trader
Trader trading the trend. Trade in a state of grace. Family friends laughter health & time to play important to me. Living life in alignment with 'what is'.

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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @SunriseTrader over the last 72 hours.
$NVDA new highs have me raise the let it ride stop.
$HIMS inched up the let it ride stop on 2 of the orders in the machine left the others as they were.
$ASTS over recent highs. No change yet to the trade
$MU sitting on 200ma daily.
$SNOW stop hit today made shy of 2% on the remaining common shares held. The name goes back on go-to list
$WMT This let it ride keeps on giving setup after setup. Been a great run and inched up the stop. Lots of education on the chart. Cover and follow left to right top to bottom. https://t.co/Ivvov7aojh
$QCOM reversed yesterday where it need to and follow thru today. Best if/when blasts over the 200ma daily. Still own it here https://t.co/mpq2TsD9D9
$XLE $XOP $USO (energy) and $KRE green to start the day
$BRZE $NTAP $QCOM trades are all underwater but stops not hit. All other trade names I own are going to make me $. I have on many let it rides that are working great. I am moving up stops every time opportunity arrives. Always writing plans for potential new trades but not… https://t.co/CfV1dKG0So
RT @faststocknewss: Starbucks Previews Q4 and FY 2024 Results, Announces Strategic Reset Amid Challenged Performance $SBUX Starbucks relea…
$GOOGL a rung of the ladder sold made 6% on this group of common shares. Stop in for the remainder of the trade to make some coin.
$CART daily base breaking higher.
$HIMS another move higher today has me move the let it ride stop up a slight amount.
$PANW out of the flag base. Putting some shares into let it ride.
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