@Maximus_Holla | HODOR
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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @Maximus_Holla over the last 72 hours.
We need a buyout somewhere in biotech soon cuz this $XBI is boring m8!
$XBI up 1.7% today, there must be 500 buyouts coming Monday! https://t.co/OEXJS4Y17O
$VKTX is it gonna happen ? https://t.co/IbPFH6hAaE
$IOVA Beside calls lotto will grab some equity as well, think good spot To reload some after we played high 3 to 18 or so! Will give some space to Load more incase pullback after ER! https://t.co/LI4Loe1H6T
Small put sweeps coming. $SPY https://t.co/bmZjucDZOU
$IOVA $494k premium, not sure if was sell a or a buy though! https://t.co/xmzMwxJpTz https://t.co/mWEsTEdgUj
$IBRX Benting all shorties with sell the news thesis! no position!
$TSHA good spot to reload ? https://t.co/KMnstWRUjE https://t.co/YbEuGKauwv
RT @ntfri: @Maximus_Holla $TSHA https://t.co/FKm7uYsINi
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