@JoTrader4 | Jo Trader4
Full time trader. Sharing low noise charts and info. Tech and growth stock analysis, commentary, and TA. Tweets education only.

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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @JoTrader4 over the last 72 hours.
$SHOP Two touches off the 200MA but needs to hold the 8ema to be healthy. https://t.co/0exJfMB2pl
$SPY Is there a reason SPY does not go to 495.54 if it doesn't hold 500. https://t.co/mz51lGtZOd
$AAPL https://t.co/bI6BaCO3Sg
$NVDA Flirting with the 50MA. No touch yet.
$NVDA Know your levels. The 8ema and 20ema and 50MA all give indicators on the way up and showed the pivot here. https://t.co/YulypqQlKh
$SPY Another grindy nothing day?? Not today. The 502.39 level is very imp. https://t.co/katBOHrS0i
$NVDA Thru the 50Ma and bounced out of the gap. Whatcha got now NVDA. https://t.co/m9tME5x0TG https://t.co/Ga3apzhPha
$NFLX Good sub numbers but investors never like it when u go dark for future ER data. Price gap and volume gap below. 😬 Below that is the 200MA. No knives, watch todays range and go from there. https://t.co/o4b3wzTxOw
$SPY 🎯 https://t.co/AfV1gZAS9n
$SMCI 50MA and trend battle. https://t.co/ZW1jnTvo2s
$TSLA Now thru our 152.30 line. We said this should go lower and it sure has. Price action not emotions peeps. We indicated dynamics and macro TSLA has changed some time ago. Elon is about a mission, if ur shares are a casualty short term so be it. https://t.co/BZiiasFLf3
$MSTR 50MA battle https://t.co/AxLzoGndNo
$AAPL Made its big move off 168.50 only to revisit it again. Back to square one as they say or as traders call it, support. lol https://t.co/kg3hn7lOcO https://t.co/AbgAFDUSYQ
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