@JerryCap | Jerry Capital
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Most engaging posts mentioning stocks from @JerryCap over the last 72 hours.
RT @compound248: $GOOG CEO announces restructuring and pivot toward AI. He ends by making clear 2 points: 1) No more political BS at work…
RT @ValueStockGeek: $GOOGL today. https://t.co/mHBo7OJBc0
RT @stocktalkweekly: AMAZON $AMZN PRIME MEMBERS JUMP +8% IN U.S. TO NEW HIGH OF 180 MILLION+ MEMBERS https://t.co/zj4ijlErtJ
$XPEL long thesis by @LukeWolgram https://t.co/dyUR2cJ3d2
"Compared to CSU and Topicus, Terravest seems to be a bit more brutal towards its acquisitions, but results are interesting." - @NicoperJES $TVK https://t.co/P0gagNh4wN
$ADSK https://t.co/Blh4NM2drC
RT @evantindell: Super interesting... $PYPL paying their bonuses in cash this year, not stock. Relatedly? The company won't adjust for SBC…
RT @AznWeng: It’s a gold rush to build AI data centers for $MSFT $GOOG and $ORCL. The # of new data center engineer jobs in Q1 was up 180%…
Long $MSFT Long AI Weaponry https://t.co/1FrlL0yqO1
RT @PythiaR: Some last 3 year TSRs: $bip.ut: -5.1% annualized $bbu.ut: -5.1% annualized $bep.ut: -16.3% annualized Tough time to be a r…
RT @returnoncap: $GOOG Search you say https://t.co/jPKnZk8roX
RT @Blue_Velvet_Cap: $IWM Is a great example of the drawbacks of indexing. It was filled up with junk in the bubble years. Now it will keep…
"Evercore considers DOJ vs. $GOOG a bigger risk to $AAPL than DOJ vs. $AAPL"
"Net debt-to-EBITDA also nicely down to 4.4x. And for year-end, we are expecting this ratio to be slightly above 3 as a combination of the increased EBITDA versus prior year and, of course, also improved net working capital metrics." $DIM
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